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Intensive Support

“His behaviour improved when going places, we felt much more supported, the material provided and demonstrated by [our RfA representative] was very useful, she is a very knowledgeable and understanding professional, she understood [our child’s] needs and helped us find ways to support him more, she taught him how to ride a scooter on his own, which helped us when going to the park, promoted independence for him, she tried her hardest to give us 100% every time she came to meet us, always prepared for anything with new materials and information, we were sent helpful recommendations and opportunities.”

We understand that families sometimes face challenging situations at home, especially when dealing with behaviours of Concern. These behaviour can often push a family to crisis point if not understood. Our Intensive Support Service is here to help families navigate these difficulties in a way that is empowering and celebrates their loved one for who they are.

This service has been in operation for four years and has a proven track record of de-escalating crisis points, building parental confidence and resilience and preventing family breakdowns.


What the Service Does

We offer a short-term, intensive support program designed to prevent or de-escalate crises resulting from behaviours of concern. During this program, we collaborate with you/the family to gain a deeper understanding of these behaviours and develop tailored strategies to improve the situation.


An example of support:

  1. A family is referred to us by the Early Help Team or Social Care Team.
  2. Our Behaviour Support Manager conducts an initial assessment visit.
  3. Together with the family, we identify the specific needs and areas to focus on.
  4. Following the assessment, we provide intensive support sessions. An autism specialist guides the family, modelling effective strategies, and gradually empowering parents to take the lead. As parents become more confident in addressing the identified areas, our support is gradually phased out. The duration of visits is determined during the initial assessment, and we work closely with the family and funders to ensure the plan aligns with their needs.


Service Outcomes:

  • Enhancing parental understanding of child’s behaviours.
  • Equipping families with proactive strategies to understand and manage their child’s autism-related behaviours and achieve their goals.
  • De-escalating crises and reducing the risk of family breakdown by increasing parents’ confidence in supporting and regulating their child’s behaviour.

The program typically spans 4 to 12 weeks, with the possibility of extension for more complex cases.

For more information on accessing our service, please contact iris@resourcesforautism.org.uk.

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